G.C. Murray, Jr., Deputy General Counsel at the Florida Justice Association, will present "Contextualizing, Considering and Confronting Biases" at August's CLE luncheon. Mr. Murrary's presentation will discuss gender and racial biases in the legal field, with a special eye to how this relates to governmental affairs practice. Additionally, Mr. Murray will divulge tips on how to better detect implicit biases and how to overcome these biases in order to become better legal practitioners. Join us on Wednesday, August 22 at noon at the Capital City Country Club, located at 1601 Golf Terrace Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. This CLE has been approved for 1.0 hour of bias elimination credit
RSVPs help us keep costs down. If you plan to attend this meeting, please RSVP below. If you RSVP at least five days before the meeting, you'll get a $5 discount off the price of our luncheon!